User Command

  • Validator Staking

story validator stake \
   --validator-pubkey ${VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64} \
   --stake ${AMOUNT_TO_STAKE_IN_WEI}
  • Note that your own ${VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64}may be found by running the ./iliad validator export command as the Compresses Public Key.

  • You must stake at least 1 IP worth (*1000000000000000000 wei)* for the transaction to be valid

Once staked, you may use the Explorer URL to confirm the transaction. As mentioned earlier, you may use our validator endpoint to confirm the new voting power of the validator.

  • Example

story validator stake \
  --validator-pubkey A0PSykpcrXXomPnNJcITuCawqg+G0JokQBGd9hU2f5CM \
  --stake 1000000000000000000
  • Validator Unstaking

story validator unstake \
  --validator-pubkey ${VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64} \
  --unstake ${AMOUNT_TO_UNSTAKE_IN_WEI} \

This will unstake ${AMOUNT_TO_UNSTAKE_IN_WEI} IP from the selected validator.

Like in the staking operation, please use the Explorer URL to confirm the transaction and our validator endpoint to double-check the newly reduced voting power of the validator.

Last updated